Forum Role: Participant
Active Since: October 12, 2022
Topics Started: 0
Replies Created: 6

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Kelly
    Giving the students opportunities to have the time to observe and wonder is key. So often time is what leads the lesson and the time to take things in is cut. Being in a position of not being in the classroom I feel gives me more flexibility to add in more opportunities for learners to have the time to observe and wonder.
  • Kelly
    I found it interesting how much noise there was in the time I was doing this activity. There is construction happening so I knew there would be that noise but there was also a bunch of leaves moving, dogs barking and birds singing. It made me think about everything that is going on in a place that I spend a lot of my time. Sound mapping
  • Kelly
    I am currently developing new curriculum for our outdoor education program. We have over 180 acres of land that can be used during lessons and workshops. Since students will be outside of their classroom learning science I think that giving them the time to make observations and wonder about what they see here is going to be important.
  • Kelly
    As a non-formal educator I think that I have the opportunity to position youth as people who do science. Having students visit our facility and learn about science that is occurring in a location besides the classroom can have a great effect on their interest level in science. Ensuing that when students are working on citizen science projects that they understand the importance of their role and how they are playing a part in research.
  • Kelly
    I have not done any citizen science projects with leaners yet. I am very excited by the different and wide array of projects that were listed in the reading. I am most interested in looking for a project that involves organisms that are very common to my location and use that as a learning opportunity.
  • Kelly
    The process of inquiry is about the way that the process of learning occurs. Inquiry is when the learner takes a more active approach in their own learning. They make discoveries through active exploration. What is Inquiry
    in reply to: Intro to Inquiry #943759
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)