You received an email saying you were given a course as a gift.

If your email says you were given a gift certificate follow the instructions for You were given a gift certificate instead.

Follow these steps to enroll in your course:

  1. Click on the link that looks like a coupon in the email.
  2. You will be on the page for the course you were given.
  3. Click on the Enroll Now button.
  4. You will be at a shopping cart page with the course added but the price will be $0.
  5. Click Proceed To Checkout.
  6. You need to have a Bird Academy account to proceed. If you already have an account, click the Login now link (at the bottom) and sign in. If not, click the Create Your Account button and create an account.
  7. Once you’re signed in you will be sent back to the Checkout page. Fill out your personal information and confirm that the price is still $0, then click Continue.

You are now enrolled in the course! You should be taken to your My Courses page where you can access this, and any other courses you’re enrolled in. 

Someone gave you a course but you didn’t receive the email

Try these steps to locate your gift course:

  1. Spam folder: Look in your email spam folder. Some email providers will move Bird Academy emails to the spam folder.
  2. Promotions and Updates folders: If you have a Gmail email address, look in the Promotions and Updates folders.
  3. Search: Search your email for “gift on the Cornell Lab’s Bird Academy”.

If this doesn’t locate the gift, contact Customer Service and we’ll find another way to help.

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If not, let us know. Send us a message and we’ll try our best to help.

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